January 31, 2009

Remember the Police Beat?

A friend sent this old clipping from BYU's Daily Universe to us in the mail the other day. I'll give you ONE guess as to who the perpetrator was.

If you guessed Christian, you're right. My husband is a criminal, with a record.


Kara said...

Haha, I had no idea you were married to a man with a record Reba! What else are you guys hiding?...

Tristen said...

I love it!! I totally remember the police beat, we used to keep up with that, good stuff!! And how lucky of you to be married to someone FAMOUS!!! :) Thanks for sharing, that was a GREAT laugh.

Jake and Emily Hutchings Family said...

no way, it was always one of my goals to get in the police beat--i love it!!

Lindsey said...

Sweet! A bad boy!

Jana said...

That is hilarious....only in Provo.

Eliza said...

so funny.

Jo said...

LOL Rebecca-- "a criminal WITH A RECORD"! Chris, I don't recall being told about this little adventure! Were you handcuffed, frisked, and fingerprinted?

Ryan@dontdodumbthings.com said...

Wow, I'd never heard this either. Was this for real, Kook? Did they detain you for a while? How did you regain your freedom? You have to tell the full story.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

That is totally hilarious! Don't they have anything better to do than arrest skateboarders????(c:

davis@dontdodumbthings.com said...

"Why, yes, Mr. Officer. I'll stop for you, even though I'm on a skateboard."


The Allred Family said...

HIlarious!!!!!!!! Christain- you're lucky it wasn't dog the bounty hunter after you!

The Allred Family said...

BTW- J's been in the police beat too....only for assaulting a 90 year old man at a byu basketball game. So embarrassing.

Rachel said...

Rebecca was always attracted to those hardened criminal types...:)