April 26, 2009

Shady's back

We're back, and so is highfashionandsharks.blogspot.com

Life doesn’t have many perfect things in it. A lot of good and great things, but few perfect ones. You might have an awesome job, great marriage, good health, and radical friends, but none of those things are perfect. But once in a while the good Lord gives you a little gift, something that's perfect for you in good times and bad. I have a great life with a lot of awesome things in it, but I’ve been thinking a lot lately how grateful I am for one thing I have that couldn't possibly be any better:

I guess I should say that he’s not perfect, but that he makes me perfectly happy. It’s like Christmas morning every day I get to come home to him. I’m not exaggerating. He just makes so incredibly happy. He’s so funny and fun and adorable to me, and even his naughty and obnoxious moments are usually funny and endearing to his papa. I know this won’t last forever. Someday he’ll have braces, pubescent angst, and read fantasy novels. And we'll send him to live his grandma for those years. But for now, here’s to Oliver, the very best guy I know.



Jo said...

How sweet, Chris. I sure can understand your enjoyment of that cute little boy who cuddles with cars and talks and thinks like a four year old. Fascinating and fun!

Josh, Dagmar, Sofia, Lilian, Jasper and Espen Jewkes said...

What a wonderful entry for Oliver. Make sure you let him read it when those years come! Beautiful and perfect little girl you've got there too, and Rebecca you look like your beautiful self already again! Love the pics!
Love, Dagmar

Andrea W. said...

Oh, that picture!!!! Oliver is so great, there is something I can't put my finger on about him that just makes him so sweet and unique and funny. Beyond that though I think you've captured that magic each of our kids holds for their parents. Great post!

Jo said...

Who's Shady?

The Allred Family said...

I'm all about some boarding school at Grandma's!

davis@dontdodumbthings.com said...

"Who's Shady?" LOLOLOL.

This made me excited to have kids.

Greg said...

How blessed he is to have you for a daddy.

Kara said...

So sweet Christian! It really is so fun and cute how excited they are at this age when Dad comes home (or wakes up in Garrick's case...) You guys are like celebrities!

Braden Bell said...

LOL braces and fantasy novels.

Jessica Sedgwick said...

That's so awesome that you feel that way. I loved reading that. He is a cutie..I wish we knew him better, though!