May 24, 2009


Um, we've actually decided to stay public for a little while. May privatize in a few months, but we'll let you know. Sorry you got punk'd so hard. Carry on.


Andrea W. said...

I sense a division in the administration.

Macy said...

lol. weird.

I actually pretty much go back and forth everyday on the private vs non-private decision too. I have become the worst decision maker ever I think.

Layne said...

I second Macy. Lol & wierd. I'm glad that you guys are staying public (at least for a while) because our google reader can't add private blogs and they aren't as convenient to read. Tell the administrators that my vote is for public.

Eliza said...

lol to ange, macy and layne. funny stuff. I'm glad your still keepin it real, perverts or not, good for you. ; )

Rebecca said...

We agreed to go private together!!!:) We DEFINITELY will go private in a couple months, we're just waiting for a certain blog to get up and running before we do it.

Braden Bell said...

So, why the big mystery--what does a couple of months have to do with it? Are the predators just taking the summer off, or what?

Jake and Emily Hutchings Family said...

oh, okay--i was really thinking about doing it also because of your blog. i'm just too lazy to figure out how.

Jo said...

LOL Braden!