September 16, 2009

Bad fit

I've always maintained that we shouldn't force devil worshipers to attend early morning seminary. Finally, I'm proven right.

p.s. you have to watch the video


Kristie said...

not to punish her??? What?? That is messed up in more than one way!

Rachel said...

Clueless, shocked parents? I'm not buying it.

Yeah, this could be an argument for not forcing your child to attend seminary...who should we blame? the chicken or the egg?

Stef said...

That is so hilarious...well it is because its not my child and not my church...ha. But wow! MAybe she isn't a morning person.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

That is so funny...mostly because I can't believe she would do that during seminary, but also because she worships the devil?!??? Yeah, I would say counseling is definitely in order...