August 12, 2008

Book Club

Last week I read this book:

and I loved, loved, loved it. I only read it for a book club as it is definitely not my type of novel, but I totally fell in love with the story and the characters. I HIGHLY recommend it. (These is My Words, by Nancy Turner.)


Braden Bell said...

Is this REALLY a good book, or is it just more Twilight emotional porn stuff? (Just kidding, Reba, just kidding)

Andrea W. said...

We read that too, Rebecca, I really liked it. I love that book club has let me read things I never would have. Are you on "Good Reads"? You should be so we can compare what we've read and how we liked them.

Macy said...

I really liked this book too, and like you I didn't think I would when I first opened it, but I really loved the characters and the story.

Jo said...

Thanks for the recommend, Rebec. Sounds very good. Is it a biography or fiction?

Eliza said...

I read it too, great stuff. said...

It's wierd to me that you guys all read p*rn.

Lindsey said...

Oh- I love book recommendations.

I really enjoy Christians posts, but this last one was a little depressing. I live in Phoenix, so I seriously come in contact with a homeless person or a beggar of some sort at least once a day. It's so crazy to look at them and try to imagine what kind of person they used to they got where they are....etc.

Anyway- I loved the Ollie updates! SO cute.

Kristie Lee said...

Just finished it! After it took forever for me to get into those first couple pages (haha) I loved it! Did you know it is part of a series?

Braden Bell said...

They aren't taking our bait, Dave. Either they're offended or really mad.

Rachel said...

Sounds like a good one- now I just need to find time (and energy) to make it to the library so I can check it out! Hope you guys had a fun weekend.

The Allred Family said...

give me a synopsis. What is it about?

Kara said...

I love to read, but hardly do because I have to be convinced that it'll be worth my time. ;) Thanks for the recomendation though, I'll have to check it out! We totally miss you guys too, hopefully we'll come visit the 505 soon and we can get together.

Kara said...

Oh, I also told Sis. Blacker about how much you loved Raspberries and were bummed they weren't in season before we left. She said you are TOTALLY welcome to come get some, but they won't be ready for another couple weeks or so. Let me know if you are interested and I'll give you her number.