Oliver found both of his Range Rovers at the same time.
I just went last week to Wal-Mart to buy a replacement Range Rover Hot Wheels car because Oliver is totally obsessed with having one with him at all times. This even extends to night time. If he happens to turn over in his crib at night and doesn't feel his Range Rover, he will wake up screaming. After enduring a few nights of this charade, I got him another identical car in case one of them got lost. He found both of them at the same time on Saturday. We're in trouble.
I LOVE that these he's obssessed with these cars. And I LOVE that picture. Good luck with keeping both Range Rovers with him at all times!
oh my gosh, could he get any cuter?!!! That is so funny and random, I love that he is into those range rovers, so funny!
LOL, that is fantastic. You need a few more--one in your glove compartment, one in each room of the house, one in the diaper bag, your scriptures case, etc.
is he bugged, or pumped?
That is the cutest face. That is trouble. Didn't Rach do something similar with kate's blankets and now Kate has to have both?? :) Oh well. At least these cars are just $1. :)
I must say that I've never seen a child that young have the endurance and will to be able to hold on to something like Oliver does those cars. So interesting! How funny that he even misses it in his crib, where it doesn't really sound that comfortable.
That is a dang cute picture. One way to help him hold on to these would be to attach the sucking part of a binky to one of them, and let him use it as a pacifier. Think about that.
A funny prank entails doing something to someone that is annoying enough to cause them some difficulty but not to the point that it constitutes a major obstacle to their happiness or enjoyment of life. I have concluded that me figuring out a way to steal all of these little cars, and then buying out your local store's supply of them, perfectly treads that balance.
PS - What is the deal with your background? I hate how it turns blue and makes it impossible to read.
maybe he is crying out in the night because he has rolled over on top of it. ouch.
what a weird thing to be attached to. and now that he found both, you need to have two more on hand at all times. that sucks.
Ok, it's official. I'm leaving you guys comments as a total stranger- hope that's ok. (this is jenn from church in utah. I met you while you guys were up here a few weeks ago.) You have the cutest family. And your posts are really sweet. And this particular post rang especially true. How funny that these cute little ones get attached to such funny things!
Oliver is adorable. I noticed he always has a car with him- so funny! Well you guys are a blast. Thanks for hanging out with us! We'll see you at church
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