October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween from our house to yours

If you watch 30 Rock (which I sincerely hope you do), you'll get this. If you don't, repent, then watch this:

Now, enjoy this little piece of work:


Rachel said...

Hi-larious. How long exactly did it take for Oliver to learn those lines?

BTW- 30 Rock is officially my favorite show of all time. I never laugh out loud at anything, but I DIE rolling during that glorious half-hour.

Eliza said...

so dang funny. I Love 30 rock, but didn't discover it for awhile so I hadn't seen that spooky scary clip. wow lol. and oliver, wow double lol.

Lindsey said...

30 Rock rocks my universe. This made me want to pee my pants.

Have you guys tried Modern Family yet?

Ryan@dontdodumbthings.com said...

Dang funny, Kook. What better role model for your kids to emulate than TJ?

christian@dontdodumbthings.com said...

That was actually all Reba.

Jo said...

I love his deliberate way of talking, and what a good memory! Maybe someday he'll be "spooky,scary", but for now he's just very cute!

Jake and Emily Hutchings Family said...

he looks so much like reba in that pic. had no idea that was from 30 rock. alec baldwin bugs me.